SchnupperUni 2024: Hands-on Research!
Exclusive Insights into the DFG Research Unit 5250
Industry Colloquium of the DFG Research Group 5250
Guest lecture by Bentley Innomed GmbH as part of the DFG Research Group 5250 teaching exchange program
Students gain insights into the production and authorisation of medical devices
FOR 5250 visits Bentley InnoMed
Project staff and project managers visit members of the Industrial Board
Third Training of the DFG Research Unit 5250
Third training course of DFG Research Unit 5250 in Reutlingen
FOR 5250 presents research results at ICBT 2023
The "V. International Conference on Biomedical Technology" took place in Hanover from 6th to 8th of November 2023.
FOR 5250 presented on Open House Day 2023 at TU Dortmund University
Guided laboratory tours with live experiments
Fourth plenary meeting of the DFG Research Unit 5250 about permanent and bioresorbable implants
Patient-specific, additively manufactured implants with customized functionality for dentistry and orthodontology.
Member of the steering group in the new "Biohybrid.NRW" lighthouse
Prof. Walther is a member of the steering group in the new lighthouse "Biohybrid.NRW" of innovative medicine in NRW