Neutron reflectometry for understanding the structure of proteins at solid/liquid surfaces
- News Forschung

In July 2024, a research team led by Dr. Tonya Andreeva from the DFG research group 5250 performed experiments using the AMOR neutron reflectometer at the Paul-Scherer Institute in Switzerland. These experiments provided valuable insights into the behavior of very thin layers at the interface between solid materials and liquids. This technique is used as a model to better understand the body’ response to implanted materials. One key event at this interface is the adsorption of proteins, which occurs within minutes after implantation. The proteins come in contact with the implant surface, building a few nano meters thick layers. The organization of protein molecules within this layer plays a crucial role in the healing process. The primary aim of the experiments was to study how protein adsorption can be controlled by fine-tuning the charge and softness of the surfaces.